Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa Visit

We went to see "Santa" at Bass Pro Shop today. They had a great set up there. They call it the Old Fashioned Christmas. There are little trains set up and tables where the kids can color and write out a list to give to Santa. They also had a small firing range with Red Rider B B Guns!!! Of course the boys tried that!! Logan played with the remote control car thing for quite awhile too!! They really did a good job and everyone there is very nice anyway. The icing on the cake....all the pictures are FREE!!! They took one picture of Logan with Santa, one with both boys and Santa and one of the whole family with him. All for free!!! The best part was Lincoln!! I knew that he would scream, but I told Matt that I wanted a picture of that! Matt (surprisingly enough) was reluctant to do it and told me it was cruel. Well, we put him on Santa's lap and sure enough, he lost it!! But the picture is priceless. Matt says now that the picture is a riot and he can't believe that he almost didn't do it!! Afterword, Logan whispered (no small feet for him) in my ear "That Santa is definitely a helper because his beard isn't real". I am so glad that we decided to talk to him about Santa's helpers...there is no way to get one over on that boy!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Decorating

We decorated the tree and house last weekend!! I just love getting things ready for Christmas! This was the first year that Logan really cared about it all. He actually picked out our tree this year. I wanted a different one and he fought very hard for the one we have. I figured that if he cared that much, I would have to give in!! Also, he really helped decorate the tree this year. He has "helped" other years....but not really. This year he looked at each ornament and thought about where it should go. Although, he did show preferential treatment to one branch in particular!!! Meanwhile, all Lincoln wanted to do was eat the ornaments! It is going to be a VERY fun Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Toothless Logan

Logan lost his front tooth!! That thing has been wiggly for a very long time!! He finally messed with it enough and out it came!! This is his third one to lose all together, but definitaley the most noticable!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lincoln's Tunnel

Lincoln is in total explore mode lately! He has been getting very brave and has started trying to climb the furniture. Yesterday he found out that he could crawl under the table! He slowly started in and then when he came out the other side, he kept going back through again and again! He was giggling the whole time! I am so happy that he is mobile now. I love how such simple things can be so entertaining!