Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beautiful Korea

Korea really is a beautiful country. We have had the chance to see some really pretty things. Every time we venture off post, we see something worth taking a picture of. The water coming off the bridge is one of Logan's favorites. It just flows off of the bridge because it looks cool. The big pointy tower is the tower on Namsan Mountain..also called Seoul Tower. The other building is called Building 64. It is a Seoul landmark. There is an aquarium and restaraunt inside and you can go to the top and get a birds eye view of Seoul. The last one is at the zoo. It is a place to take a rest while you are visiting the zoo...just gorgeous. We are going to enjoy the spring here as we get to explore all the pretty places around Seoul.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So, we are an adventurous family, right? Well...I can only TRY so much! I am forever amazed at the types of food available in the strangest places. I fully expect to be offered some very strange things in the Korean restaurants. I don't, on the other hand expect to get some kind of grilled squid at THE ZOO!! That is exactly what they are serving up to munch on while you stroll around and look at the animals. They put it right on a stick and the people go to town!! Not for me...no thank you!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Logan is moving along in Scouts

Last night, Logan received his Tiger Cub Immediate Recognition Emblem!! This badge shows that he knows the Cub Scout motto, knows the Cub Scout sign and the Cub Scout salute! Now, he will add beads to show all that he is doing to become a better citizen and person!! He is so dang excited about scouts and we are really proud of how much effort and thought he puts into it.

Now, Lincoln and I go to all the meetings too. He is a pretty good boy while the scouts are having thier meeting. Last night though, he decided that he was a bit too tired to stand and listen anymore.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ready for Winter

Every year Ed and Laureen outfit the kids in their winter gear!! Logan is always excited to try on his new stuff. He was at school when I got the package opened. I tried Lincoln's on him fully expecting a protest and a fit. Well, boy was I wrong. He smiled so big once I got his coat on and kept pointing at everything else and saying "ON!". I got all of the gear on and he just pranced around the house with a huge smile!! He then refused to take off the boots when it was time to go get Logan. So he rode in the stroller in his bright red boots in the 75 degree weather. He couldn't have been happier! It occurred to me after that this was his first experience with winter gear. In Alabama last year, it never got cold enough for the coat and boots.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tiger Scouts

Logan is offically a Tiger Scout!! He had his first meeting this week and it was great! He was so excited. He told me the morning of the meeting that he had trouble falling asleep because he couldn't wait to have a Tiger Scout meeting!! Matt is the den leader, so the two of them will get to spend some special time together. It is so cute to see them all salute and say the oath.."Do Your Best". You can tell when he has the uniform on that he is so proud to be a Tiger Scout. Matt and I are hoping that he continues on to Boy Scouts. It is a great program and so good for the kids to learn to be a part of an important group.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Logan out on the town

Logan and Matt take bike rides most weekends during Lincoln's nap. This past Saturday they came across a Performing Arts festival. Logan got to walk a tightrope, learn to spin a plate and practice his fencing skills!! Korea is offering us so much culture and the Korean's just LOVE the kids! It's great to see Logan take it all in!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Silly Boy

Lincoln has so much personality!! He cracks me up regularly. He will be silly just to make me laugh and he is never embarrassed when people make a big deal about him. We were playing in the playroom yesterday and he put the net on his head. I chuckled and he just kept it on while we were playing. Like it wasn't even there...which made me giggle harder! Then he came across this toucan visor and wanted to put that on. So, I started to take off the net and he protested and pulled it back on. I put the visor over the net and he couldn't have been happier. He paraded around in his hats for about 15 minutes while we laughed and giggled about it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Logan's Ready!!

So, Matt brought home all of his "if we go to war" gear and Logan had to try it all on!! He is getting to be such a big boy, but he couldn't have looked smaller in all that stuff! But, fear not, Logan's ready for anything!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Logan's First Attempt at Ice Skating!!

Logan finally got to try ice skating this past weekend!! The mall here has a rink in the middle of it...and every time we go there, he asks to skate. I have NEVER skated in my life. So, I couldn't show him how if I wanted to. The long weekend seemed like the perfect time to go and try!! So, Matt and Logan got their skates on and off they went. Logan held on to Matt for most of the time, but he did very well. I was very proud of him because he never gave up. He was starting to get the hang of it towards the end...but he still needs a little more practice before he tries out for the NHL!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good-bye Hazy

Today is one of the hardest days ever. Today we say good-bye to the best dog anyone could ever ask for. Hazy has a degenerative spine disease that has left her with little control of her hind legs. She has really been such a wonderful dog to us. She has been a part of our family since the minute we met her. Hazy loves being where we are at all times and I can remember being annoyed by that.....I'd give anything to keep her right next to me now. Logan has taken it pretty well, but then again they never really bonded. Hazy wants to please Matt and I so much and be with us, that she sometimes ignored Logan. Lincoln on the other hand has really become close to her. The two of them spend the day touching fourheads just to say hi. He will surely miss having her around.

When she closes her eyes, I hope that she knows how great of a dog she is and that we all love her very much.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Water Play

My boys LOVE water!! Now that it is 90 degrees most days....it is back outside to play with the hose for the Kmon family!! Lincoln is just like Logan as far as the hose is concerned. They both love to spray it at nothing and everything. One thing that Lincoln does that Logan never did and still doesn't do....turn the hose on himself!! He will point it up in the air over his head and then squeel and run when it lands on him! It is very funny to watch. Of course, they both run through the sprinkler!! They even get Matt and I to run through with them. Water gives us hours of entertainment...and in Alabama, we need it!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So, T-Ball season is in full swing..(no pun intended....okay, maybe a little!!) Logan is really doing well this year. His fielding is surprisingly good! He just puts his glove down there and stops the ball no problem! He is hitting the heck out of the ball too. We are working on getting his throwing in line with the rest of his skills!! He likes it though and that is what really matters. Matt is coaching this year, so Logan feels all important as the coaches kid. It has been fun to watch him get better and better at sports.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well...another Easter at another house!! It is always fun for Logan to hunt because the house is different so he never knows where the eggs or the basket are going to be!! We went to an Easter Egg Hunt on base the Saturday before Easter which was o.k. Then Easter morning the boys got to hunt for their baskets and the eggs that the Easter bunny hid for them outside. Logan, of course, had a great time searching. Lincoln didn't get it at first, but caught right on and found 3 eggs for his basket. Granted they were sitting out in the open, but still...he's one!! So...it was a nice Easter in the end. We rounded the day out with a nice dinner. I made ham, potatoes and corn. Traditional for us!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another tooth gone!

Logan lost his other front tooth!!! We went out to dinner at Logan's Roadhouse tonight and while we were eating I noticed blood on his tooth. I told him that his tooth must be ready. He told me that it wasn't and I said O.K. I left it at that...the next thing I know he just grabbed it and pulled!! He held it out to me and said "Here you go Mom!" So of course all night he has been playing with the whole...GROSS! Our Tooth Fairy is very generous and Logan loves money....I think he would pull out all his teeth if it meant he would get paid!! The other front tooth is already peeking through so he is bound to look pretty cool in a few weeks!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is Logan's Alfalfa look!! although he has no idea who that is!! It started with pulling his pants up to look silly and he had just gotten out of the bath so I spiked up that piece of hair!! Then Matt added his ugly military issued glasses and...voila! This will surely come back to haunt Logan someday....maybe Senior Prom!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Look At Me!!

Well, Lincoln has figured out that he can use objects around the house to get at what he wants!! I LOVE this stage! I think that it is so funny to walk in the room and find him on top of things! And the look he gives me is priceless!! That little smile like "Am I gonna get in trouble for this??" Now as long as he doesn't start falling off of stuff...we will be just fine!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dancing and walking

So...Lincoln decided to start walking. Although he is not completely committed! He chooses to crawl unless I stand him up and walk away. Then he walks! Also, the child has taken a liking to dancing!! Very cute! He will start dancing to ANY music. He was holding Ree's cell phone and we were calling it...he was getting down to the ring tone!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The boys are becoming more brotherly every day! Logan has started really playing with Lincoln...and Lincoln LOVES it!! I just wanted to share a couple of cute pictures of them playing together!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas was great!!

Well, another Christmas has come and gone! This was the first year that Logan actually wanted something very specific!! He was so excited about it that it was all he asked Santa for when he saw him. Lincoln couldn't have cared less about any of it, however. So, we all opened our gifts...and Logan opened Lincoln's!! It was a very nice Christmas with Ed and Laureen here to help us celebrate! Logan got golf clubs, so Ed helped him figure them out on the golf course! And they both got to spend some great quality time with the boys! On Christmas Eve, Logan wrote his little letter to Santa to leave with the cookies. I wanted to cry it was so cute! And, he wrote it all by himself!!