Friday, March 11, 2011

Home State Project

Last month, at school, Logan's class gave presentations on their "Home State". Well, obviously, poor Logan has no home state. We told him that he was born in Virginia, has family in Washington, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Florida. None of those states piqued his interest. He asked if he could do where we plan to retire. His teacher said that was Maine it was!! We all had a great time researching and learning about our future home. Logan made a "Home State Box" with various facts, postcards and maps inside. They then had to present their box and state to their class! They held a Home State Food Show to wrap up the unit. The kids were to bring in a food that represented their state. We figured that Lobster wouldn't go over to well, so Logan chose blueberry muffins. All of the kids set up a station for their food and to display their box. Logan had a really great time watching all the people eat the muffins that we made! What a great project!!

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