Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's Pumpkin Time!!

We carved pumpkins!! Logan was so funny because he couldn't wait to do it, but then didn't want to touch it at all!! He said that it felt gross. He did try to carve it but it was too tough for him to cut through. He drew the face that he wanted and that was cute to watch! Lincoln on the other hand wanted everything to do with the pumpkins!! He kept crawling in to the mix and chewing on whichever pumpkin was closest! He was very interested in what we were doing and super curious about what the heck was inside those big orange things!!

1 comment:

Kristyn said...

The difference of boys & girls...you guys have all these "scary" faced pumpkins. Ours are all sweet little faces that Ashlyn picked out (except Dave's -- his is a scull and cross bones of course)!