Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Great Shot Logan!!

Logan did it!!! He shot the arrow all by himself and made "the kill shot!" I hate the sound of that, but Matt says that it is the proper term. Logan is really loving shooting and he gets better every day...as you can see! He made this shot from about 20 yards out! You can imagine how proud Matt is. Matt is all but running out and getting Logan all is hunting gear. I have to remind him that he is only 5 and way not ready to go out and do the real thing! I think that he would enjoy going out into the woods with Matt. Can't you just see it now...Matt trying to be as quiet and still as possible and Logan being Logan?!?!?!? 20 questions and using his quiet voice which is very similar to his yell! I am very happy for Logan though. He seems to have found something that he is a natural at and he really enjoys being out there with Matt practicing.

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