Monday, October 6, 2008

Here Goes!! goes!! I have decided to make it easier for our friends and family to keep up with the ever moving Kmon family!! We are enjoying our time in Alabama...sort of! Matt is able to be home quite a bit, so that is nice. He is doing very well in school. Speaking of school...Logan loves it and is great at it!! He is his fathers son for sure! Lincoln is growing very fast. Just the way Matt and I like it! He is so close to crawling now! He is loud as ever too!! He makes noise just to make noise! This morning in fact, I was in the bedroom changing and Logan and Lincoln were in the kitchen. Logan was eating breakfast and Lincoln had just finished. Lincoln was making some of the craziest noises...very LOUD noises. I came out and Logan was just staring at him. I asked what was up and Logan just pointed to Lincoln and said "I can't even eat he is so loud!" It was sooo cute!

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